‘Can’t You Catch Hold Of Me?’: The Poetics of Christ in Scripture & Literature
Join us for an enlightening exploration of how Scripture, theology, and literature reveal Christ's presence in our world. This course invites you to discover the poetic and narrative elements within the Bible, alongside fictional stories that inspire personal reflection and spiritual growth.
This course aims to engage participants in a thoughtful exploration of how God reveals Himself through language and literature. The objectives include:
Gaining insight into the ways God communicates through Scripture and the writings of the early Church Fathers.
Exploring the literary qualities of the Bible and understanding how fictional literature can serve as a tool for spiritual growth and evangelism.
Appreciating how modern poets have expressed the search for Christ in nature and culture.
Understanding the role of interpretation in experiencing divine revelation, guided by grace, free will, and the teachings of the Church.
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Course Information
Rev Dr Anthony Gilbert
The Rev Dr Anthony Gilbert is Assistant Professor of Christian Literature at St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary and Adjunct Professor of Literature at Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Recent publications include “Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Vital Tradition” in Bloomsbury’s An Essential Guide to Christianity; “Post-Byzantine History, Culture, & the Orthodox Church” in St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 66.1–2; and “Come and See: Orthodox Mission, Literature, and Metanoia,” forthcoming in The Paideia Review. Along with David Hicks, he co-edited Into the Light: Orthodox Christianity and Classical Education, forthcoming with SVS Press. He is the priest and pastor of St George Orthodox Church in Grand Rapids, MI.
Course Description
4 video lectures by the professor
4 PowerPoint Slides
Optional Readings
Join us for this wonderful opportunity to learn from and work with the dynamic faculty of St Vladimir’s Seminary!
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‘Can’t you catch hold of Me?’:
The Poetics of Christ in Scripture & Literature
Lecture 1: “Scripture and Storytelling: Unveiling God's Word Through Literature”
Readings are assigned upon registration.
Lecture 2: “The Word Made Flesh and Language: Understanding God’s Presence in Words”
Readings are assigned upon registration.
Lecture 3: “Poetry and Divine Insight: Interpreting God’s Message Through Verse”
Readings are assigned upon registration.
Lecture 4: “Literature and Transformation: How Stories Lead to Spiritual Renewal”
Readings are assigned upon registration.